A fiber artist for more than 50 years, Cathy Fussell maintains a studio in Columbus, Georgia, where she specializes in making art quilts. In terms of theme and subject matter, Cathy’s work tends to fall into three general categories: Geography, Southern literature, and American modernism.
Public collections holding Cathy’s work include: The Roswell Public Library, Roswell, Georgia (Fulton County Public Arts Collection, 2018 acquisition); Fulton County Public Arts Collection 2019 acquisition; and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Koch Collection, New York, New York (eleven pieces).
In 2016 Cathy was commissioned by The Congressional Club, Washington, DC, to make a quilt for First Lady Michelle Obama. The result is “Apollo Splashdown Revisited – Homage to Alma Woodsey Thomas,” which was presented to Mrs. Obama at The Congressional Club’s Annual First Lady’s Luncheon, Washington, DC, May 12, 2016. The work is in the (forthcoming) Barack Obama Presidential Library Collection, Chicago, Illinois.
Cathy’s work has been exhibited in numerous juried or curated exhibitions and is held in many private collections.